This is a compiled list of the Latin Solo Beginner 1 figures and suggested routines, based on the Latin Solo Beginner 1 course, for revision purposes for:
This course is part of the Latin Solo Beginner 1 course.
These resources may be updated from time to time with newer tutorials and videos.
We learn the Salsa Solo beginner figures: salsa basic, right side turn, cross body lead,and flair cross body lead.
Salsa Solo ultra beginner routine with salsa basic and cross body lead only.
Salsa Solo beginner routine using salsa basic, right side turn, and cross body lead.
Salsa Solo beginner routine using Salsa basic, cross body lead, and flair cross body lead.
Salsa Solo beginner routine using Salsa basic, right side turn, cross body lead and flair cross body lead.
We learn four Samba Solo beginner figures: basic, whisk, forward bota fogos and travelling voltas.
Samba Solo beginner routine using forward, back and side basics, whisk, forward Bota Fogos and traveling Voltas.
Samba Solo beginner routine using forward, back and side basics, whisk, forward Bota Fogos and traveling Voltas.
We learn five Jive Solo beginner figures: Basic in Place, Fallaway Rock, Chicken walk, sailor step, and twist.
Jive Solo beginner routine using basic in place, slow chicken walks, slow sailor steps, and twist.
Jive Solo beginner routine using basic in place, slow chicken walks, quick sailor steps, and twist.
Jive Solo beginner routine using fallaway rock, slow chicken walk, slow sailor steps, and twist.
Jive Solo beginner routine using Fallaway Roci, slow Chicken Walk, quick Sailor Steps and twist.