This is a compiled list of the Latin Solo Beginner 2 figures and suggested routines, based on the Latin Solo Beginner 2 course, for revision purposes for:
This course is part of the Latin Solo Beginner 2 course.
These resources may be updated from time to time with newer tutorials and videos.
Chacha forward & back basic, chasing Chacha, and full turn back Chacha (underarm turn).
Chacha Solo Beginner routine consisting of Beginner 1 (Set 1A) and Beginner 2 figures.
Chacha Solo Beginner routine consisting of Beginner 1 (Set 1C) and Beginner 2 figures.
Chacha Solo Beginner routine consisting of Beginner 1 (Set 1C) and Beginner 2 figures.
Samba Solo Beginner figures: Traveling Bota Fogos backward, Stationary Samba walk, Whisk turn, and Rhythm bounce.
Samba Solo Beginner 2 routine, consisting Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 figures, ending with rhythm bounces.
Samba Solo Beginner 2 routine, consisting Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 figures, ending with rhythm bounces and whisk turn.
Jive Solo Beginner 2 figures: Fallaway throwaway, Change of Place, and American spin.
Jive Solo Beginner 2 routine consisting of Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 figures.
Jive Solo Beginner 2 routine consisting of Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 figures.
Jive Solo Beginner 2 routine consisting of Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 figures.
Jive Solo Beginner 2 routine consisting of Beginner 1 and Beginner 2 figures.